strong and confident
She’s moving into Her power
Celebrating the Power of Play
About Us
ActivateHer is a nonprofit dedicated to providing girls and women with opportunities to learn and grow through sports.
Emphasizing the power of play for development, ActivateHer helps girls gain skills in health and well-being, life skills education, and leadership training, enabling them to become positive community leaders.
Since 2018, ActivateHer has tailored sport-for-development programs to help girls in under-served South African communities discover their strength.
Play and movement are essential for childhood development, fostering creativity, social skills, and cognitive growth, and should be accessible to all.
ActivateHer invests in girls to ensure they recognise their power and strength to make a lasting impact on the world.
What challenges do females face in South Africa?
1 in 5
women are exposed to violence
Over 30%
of girls experience teenage pregnancy
of new HIV infections among adolescents are girls
Empowering Her
What We Do
ActivateHer empowers girls through play from girlhood into womanhood to become the changemakeHers they were always meant to be.
MoveHer Program
Girls aged 3-7 build play foundations through motor skill development and guided play
PlayHer Program
An 8-12 girls program delivering multi-sports, health education, and life skills
LeadHer Program
High school programme teaching functional fitness and develop leadership skills
EmployHer Program
To combat youth unemployment, our girls can train as coaches
PlayHer Spotlight
Meet Minentle
Before joining ActivateHer, Minentle had not had any prior exposure to sport beyond the men’s football matches she occasionally saw on television.
Four years later, she now knows a range of sports, and what activities make her feel strong and confident – including yoga! She says that girls should not be limited by what people perceive of them, and because of this aspires to be a writer and scientist, alongside a future ActivateHer coach.
Ways to Get Involved
Donate to spread access to life-changing programming
Gift sports equipment to streamline our ability to grow our reach
Join Team ActivateHer to run, walk, and cycle for Her
Become a team player and contribute your expertise
Shop Her Active, and sponsor a girl’s class with each item you buy
Research Backed
Benefits of Play
Play enhances productivity, fosters creativity, and reduces stress, contributing to improved mental health and overall well-being. Furthermore, play promotes teamwork and communication skills, which are essential in today’s collaborative work environments. By prioritizing play and leisure activities, we can create a healthier work-life balance for young women, ensuring their future long-term career success.
Anyone who has spent time on a sports field understands that playing sport helps us develop skill, as well as innovate, and problem-solve.
By investing in play with our young women, you are investing in not just the future of an individual but in a stronger, more stable community.
See Her in Motion
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